Trying out blender

In one of my previous posts, I decided to go on a game development journey. The model used for the spaceship was a model that I got from this site, which has low poly models from Poly by Google (Poly by Google was closed as of 30 June 2021, but the site I used has an archive). As I progressed on, I wanted to make my own 3D models because it might be a valuable skill, and I didn’t want to depend on free assets....

June 10, 2022 · 3 min
Generic Sad Image

When Life Is a Chore

Congratulations! You’ve survived another week at work or school/university, hooray! What do you want to do on the weekend? Here are some common answers that I could think of: I want to sleep, so that I can be at full energy by Monday. I want to hang out with my school/university/work friends, go to somewhere we can chat, have fun, etc. I want to play games, either alone or with friends....

May 28, 2022 · 3 min

Cleaning my keyboard

Today was a Good Friday, so I don’t have any work today. I planned this ahead of time by buying a compressed air canister, EVA foam, and denture tablets. The purpose was to clean my keyboard and apply foam to the bottom of the PCB. The foam I bought can be used between the PCB and the plate, but cutting out individual squares for each key seems too much of a hassle for me....

April 15, 2022 · 3 min
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First Post, Third Website

Third website? Yes, this is my third time making a personal website. The first time was using plain HTML, Bootstrap, and Javascript, then publishing it to Github pages. The second time was using React.js with Material-UI, which can be seen here. It used netlify to host static pages, and it worked pretty well until I decided to take down the website for several reasons: I got a job as a software engineer, so I felt that I didn’t need to advertise myself that much....

April 3, 2022 · 3 min