2024 Resolutions

Intro I’ll be honest, my only happy memory of 2023 that stuck with me was the fact I bought a PC in August. Let’s not dwell on that and reflect on my past resolutions that can be seen in this post, or my older post. Reflection time I had 4 resolutions, let’s take a look at each one: Fix my GERD People who meet me daily would know that I still have problems with this....

January 1, 2024 · 6 min

2023 Resolutions

Intro 2022 has been a year full of highs and lows. Sadly, the lows happen more often than the highs. Anyway, since I forgot my past resolutions, I won’t discuss them in this post. Instead, let me share my new year resolutions: Resolutions It is better to set reasonable resolutions and achieve them, rather than setting up abstract or unreasonable resolutions and failing to achieve them. Fix my GERD For those of you who knew me, you probably know that I have acid reflux, and it is still not cured since 2018....

January 1, 2023 · 3 min